Friday, February 24, 2012


Http :/ / news. BBC. cooperation. uk/1/hi/health/3795349. STM >> << can trigger asthma, researchers. Scientists at Yale University found high levels of the enzyme chitinase,

produced immune system, soar in mice suffering from asthma as a disease. Enzyme linked to parasites because it breaks down chitin, found on the surface

parasites and insects. In his article in Science, researchers say their findings could lead to new ways

asthma. Matthew Hallsworth, Asthma UK

In his research team at Yale University found that those mice, not divorce, that

asthma as a disease was far less chitinase. Lung tissue of people suffering from asthma also showed high levels of chitinase. Enzyme

was found in tissues from people who have the disease. system called interleukin-13.

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Additional IL-13, distributed in the lungs of asthmatics are thought to help spark asthma attacks.

In simple creatures such as worms and flies, chitinase is protection

parasitic infestation. People with half a dozen genes chitinase, but thought these >> << are simply evolutionary relics. However, at Yale University research shows that they can be mixed

action in asthmatics. These data support the theory of the origin of asthma, which suggested t

it caused the body sensitive parasites when none are there. It is believed to send the immune system into overdrive, producing

airway inflammation and asthma attacks. Yale researchers led by Dr. Jack Elias say human chitinase could be helpful >> << new target for antiasthmatic drugs. Matthew Hallsworth, research development manager, Asthma UK, said:

is asthma. unravel the complex processes associated with airway inflammation. This idea can go right along with .. that .. high degree of iron overload, suggesting that this factor may provoke

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