Friday, February 24, 2012

The agency did not say labeling changes ...

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FDA said the rare cases of renal failure were reported in patients taking Reclast who had a history or risk factors for renal failure, including concurrent use of nephrotoxic drugs or diuretics or severe dehydration occurs before or after Reclast given. The risk of renal failure in patients with concomitant renal impairment and increased with age, FDA said. The agency did not say labeling changes were needed to zoledronovoyi acid sold as Zometa, which is designed to treat cancer and evidence which already provides information for dose reduction in patients with renal insufficiency lasix 500 mg and renal toxicity resolve warning and precautions of his label. Reclast is given as an intravenous infusion in a dose every one to two years for treatment and prevention of osteoporosis in women after menopause, increase bone mass in men with osteoporosis, treatment and prevention of osteoporosis in men or women who are taking corticosteroid drugs, at least one year, or treatment of men and women who have Paget's disease. .

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