Friday, February 24, 2012


Http :/ / news. BBC. cooperation. uk/1/hi/health/3795349. STM >> << can trigger asthma, researchers. Scientists at Yale University found high levels of the enzyme chitinase,

produced immune system, soar in mice suffering from asthma as a disease. Enzyme linked to parasites because it breaks down chitin, found on the surface

parasites and insects. In his article in Science, researchers say their findings could lead to new ways

asthma. Matthew Hallsworth, Asthma UK

In his research team at Yale University found that those mice, not divorce, that

asthma as a disease was far less chitinase. Lung tissue of people suffering from asthma also showed high levels of chitinase. Enzyme

was found in tissues from people who have the disease. system called interleukin-13.

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Additional IL-13, distributed in the lungs of asthmatics are thought to help spark asthma attacks.

In simple creatures such as worms and flies, chitinase is protection

parasitic infestation. People with half a dozen genes chitinase, but thought these >> << are simply evolutionary relics. However, at Yale University research shows that they can be mixed

action in asthmatics. These data support the theory of the origin of asthma, which suggested t

it caused the body sensitive parasites when none are there. It is believed to send the immune system into overdrive, producing

airway inflammation and asthma attacks. Yale researchers led by Dr. Jack Elias say human chitinase could be helpful >> << new target for antiasthmatic drugs. Matthew Hallsworth, research development manager, Asthma UK, said:

is asthma. unravel the complex processes associated with airway inflammation. This idea can go right along with .. that .. high degree of iron overload, suggesting that this factor may provoke

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The agency did not say labeling changes ...

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FDA said the rare cases of renal failure were reported in patients taking Reclast who had a history or risk factors for renal failure, including concurrent use of nephrotoxic drugs or diuretics or severe dehydration occurs before or after Reclast given. The risk of renal failure in patients with concomitant renal impairment and increased with age, FDA said. The agency did not say labeling changes were needed to zoledronovoyi acid sold as Zometa, which is designed to treat cancer and evidence which already provides information for dose reduction in patients with renal insufficiency lasix 500 mg and renal toxicity resolve warning and precautions of his label. Reclast is given as an intravenous infusion in a dose every one to two years for treatment and prevention of osteoporosis in women after menopause, increase bone mass in men with osteoporosis, treatment and prevention of osteoporosis in men or women who are taking corticosteroid drugs, at least one year, or treatment of men and women who have Paget's disease. .

Scientists studied the effects of weightlessness in ...

INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION - In addition to supplying spare parts and consumables to the International Space Station Shuttle Atlantis has another, lesser known mission. Scientists hope that they learn in space will help millions of people at risk of osteoporosis on Earth. On board lasix and heart failure the shuttle for 30 mice, now floating in microgravity. Half of them were treated with an experimental osteoporosis drug, half immune system disorder Mice were sent a group of researchers led by Dr. Ted University of North Carolina Bateman, an expert on bone loss during space flight. "Astronauts lose bone at a rapid pace for at least five times the rate at which women lose bone here on Earth," he explained. This is because the bones are designed to keep us under the pressure of gravity on Earth. In space, bones do not get pressure, they should develop, leading to bone loss. Space exploration has played a key role in studies of osteoporosis. Scientists studied the effects of microgravity on bone and muscle in 1970. This is an ideal environment for the latest research Bateman. "Existing drugs stop the bone loss. This product can hope to build new bone and bone weight, "he said. Increased bone mass effectively combat osteoporosis. If achieved this would be another step forward for the world of medicine. The research team will study mouse skeletons when they return to Earth and expects that at least preliminary results this fall. (Y Copyright 2011 NBC Universal, all rights reserved).

Transplantation was also used to treat certain ...

Legacy compromised immune system is a disease in which children are born without anPimmune system or with incomplete immune system. People with the disorder of the immune system less able to fight infection. Although these disorders are rare, there are about 100 different types that range from mild to severe. About 50,000 people in the United States has several types of inherited disorders of the immune system. Legacy compromised immune systems are also called primary immune deficiency disorders. They are called "primary" because they are caused by defective gene thatPaffects immune system. Genes are inherited code instructions that tells the body how to make each cell and protein in the body. (Secondary immunodeficiency is caused by something outside the body, such as chemotherapy or infection aPvirus).

People with serious inherited disorders of the immune system with a high risk of infection for life. For many severe disorders, known only treatment >> << (also called a BMT). To learn more, read about the two most serious inherited disorders of the immune system:

transplantation is also used to treat several other hereditary disorders of the immune system, including:

combined immunodeficiency lasix 16 mg associated with other syndromes: DiGeorge syndrome severe , X-chromosome immunodeficiency with normal or elevated IgM, X-chromosome lymphoproliferative disease, IPEX (immune regulation, Polyendocrinopathy, enteritis, and X-chromosome) syndrome

Other deficiencies: chronic granulomatous disease, leukocyte adhesion deficiency

To find out whether the transplant treatment option for you or your family, talk with your doctor, who is an expert in treating these diseases. You can get more information on inherited disorders of the immune system with disease specific organizations such as:

National Institute of Child Health Human Development: Primary immunodeficiency to other organizations that offer information and resources, see. Naynesh Kamanyi, MD, Children's National Medical Center, Washington, DC, Nina Kapoor, MD, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. Charles Peters, MD.

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Problem easy filling and emptying of the poor ...

Emphysema chronic progressive condition that affects 2. 0000000 Americans. This is a lung disease usually caused by smoking. Usually it is a violation of the walls of air sacs of lungs, causing them to become abnormally enlarged. This abnormally enlarged air bags are bad for oxygenation. In addition, they cause small airways that carry air in and air sacs to collapse during respiration, particularly exhalation. This abnormally enlarged air sacs easily fill with air during inspiration, but they lose their ability to clear the lungs via the small airways during exhalation. This is reminiscent of airway obstruction, and some use the term chronic obstructive pulmonary disease to describe emphysema. Problem easy filling and emptying of the poor light causes progressive hyperexpansion light leads to poor mechanics of breathing. This is in addition to poor oxidation opportunity emphysema makes more and more difficult to breathe. Many people who suffer from emphysema in the lungs of who suffered more others. This discovery led to the creation of a surgical approach to the treatment of emphysema. Lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS) is a procedure that removes about 20-35% does not function, space occupying lung tissue from each lung.anabolic xtreme stack By reducing the amount of light, more light and the surrounding muscles (intercostals and diaphragm) can work more efficiently. This makes breathing easier and helps patients achieve better quality of life. It is important that this operation is only for people who can benefit from the procedure with minimal risk of complications. A good candidate for LVRS is the one who gave up smoking for 4 months and disabling emphysema, despite full compliance with optimal medical therapy. The patient should be able to participate in pulmonary rehabilitation program before and after surgery. Any other condition that the candidate can be well managed and should not represent an unacceptable risk of complications from the procedure. Most importantly, the patient should have the structure of emphysema that is amenable to surgical treatment. This means that there are space occupying, poorly functioning area of ​​the lungs that can be removed to improve lung function. Images of research, including chest X-ray, computed tomography and lung perfusion studies done to determine this. National judicial treatment of emphysema (net) were prospective, randomized, multicenter study which compared the results of LVRS to medical therapy, which showed that there are 3 groups of patients who seek to benefit from LVRS. The following groups of patients are candidates for LVRS:

patients with predominantly upper lobe emphysema and low exercise tolerance. These patients have improved survival and functional results after LVRS compared with drug therapy. Patients with predominantly upper lobe emphysema and high exercise. These patients improved functional results after LVRS but no difference in survival compared with drug therapy. Patients with non-upper lobe emphysema and low exercise tolerance. In these patients, improved survival after LVRS but no difference in survival compared with drug therapy. NETT also identified patients unlikely to benefit from LVRS and have a high risk of death after surgery. The following groups of patients are not candidates for LVRS:

patients with non-upper lobe emphysema and high exercise. In patients with very poor lung function (FEV1 20% or less than predicted) and either a uniform distribution of emphysema on CT or extremely poor carbon monoxide lasix 15 mg diffusion capacity (DLCO 20% or less than forecast). To optimize physical activity and improved early postoperative recovery, patients should take part in 6 to 10 weeks of pulmonary rehabilitation program before surgery. The operation requires general anesthesia and can be done through an incision or breastbone or small cuts thoracic surgery using video. Special surgical stapler is used to remove diseased lung tissue and seal blood leaks were light and air. Immediately after the procedure, patients wake up from general anesthesia and allows you to breathe independently. Pain medicine given through the epidural catheter to control postoperative discomfort. Drainage pipes are in the chest to drain the excess air or fluid from the chest after surgery. They removed as soon as air and fluid leakage stops. Physical therapy restored early recovery during hospitalization. Patients discharged from hospital once the patient is mobile, tolerance normal diet and drainage tubes were removed. There are significant risks associated with LVRS because of poor lung function line. The main risks of this procedure are:

long air leakage is the most common complication after LVRS. About 40% of patients with this problem. Some patients actually return home from breast leakage in place for several days to help cope with this. Pneumonia (15%) can occur in emphysema patients, especially in patients with recurrent attacks

Anyone who meets the general criteria may be considered for formal assessment. This will entail a thorough analysis of case histories of patients, medical examination, pulmonary function studies and instrumental methods of investigation. These images can be drawn from the study your referring physician or the hospital of the University of Southern California. If these preliminary studies fulfill the necessary criteria, further evaluations will be conducted as needed. When all necessary information has been collected, the patient will be discussed in USC cardiothoracic surgery light Denial Management Conference to discuss LVRS should be offered to the patient. In some cases, patients may be better candidates for transplantation of lungs, which will be offered in those cases. For consideration of LVRS. .

People with alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency ...

Alpha-1 antitrypsin is an inherited disease that can cause lung disease and liver disease. People with alpha-1 antitrypsin usually develop early signs and symptoms of lung disease at the age of 20 to 50 years. The earliest symptoms of shortness of breath after mild activity, reduced ability to exercise, and wheezing. Other signs and symptoms may include unintentional weight loss, recurring respiratory infections, fatigue and heart palpitations when standing. Affected individuals often develop lasix 15 mg emphysema, which is a slight illness, caused by damage to the small air sacs in the lungs (alveoli). Features of emphysema include shortness of breath, cough, and barrel chest. Smoking and exposure to tobacco smoke accelerates the appearance of symptoms of emphysema and lung damage. About 10 percent of children with alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency develop liver disease that often causes a yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes (jaundice). Approximately 15 percent of affected adults develop liver damage (cirrhosis) in connection with the formation of scar tissue in the liver. Signs of cirrhosis include swollen abdomen, swollen feet or legs, and jaundice. People with alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency and risk of type of liver cancer called hepatocellular carcinoma.emphysema life span In rare cases, people with alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency develop skin condition called panikulit characterized by hardened skin with painful lumps or patches. Panikulit varies by severity and can occur at any age. .